Avaya Phone Group Paging
WARNING: Selecting a paging group will immediately initiate a page and be heard on all associated extensions. Only use the paging feature if performing a scheduled test or when an actual campus page is needed.
Paging Groups
ECC (5130)
ETC (5131)
Grinnell (5132)
MCC (5133)
IVTS (5134)
Note: Each group contains most - if not all - extensions for that location.
Scroll to the second page (press the right side of the navigation wheel).
Select the page group you want to page by hitting the corresponding side button.
If you select a named page group (example: MCC Page), the system will immediately initiate the page.
If you select Group Page you will be prompted for an extension (see list above).
Note: The following instructions assume you selected Group Page.
Enter a page number (see list above).
The corresponding page group will be displayed.
Press the Page button to initiate the page. Wait for the beep and begin speaking.
When finished, press either the Drop button or the Speaker button to end the page.