7 Ways to Get Involved While Social Distancing

Whether you are living on campus or commuting to college for class this fall, there are countless ways to get involved and make your college experience amazing! And there’s a good reason to get involved. It can be a fun way to meet new people, develop new interests, and teach skills that you won’t pick up in the classroom alone (hello – communication and teamwork!) Plus, studies show that students who are more involved on campus will do better academically.
So, in the age of social distancing, how do you get involved on campus while still staying safe? Check out these ideas!
Student Council
Getting involved with student government and student leadership is a great way to connect with both students and professors. You will have an opportunity to play a part in the direction of everything from campus safety to the activities that are planned on campus. And student council meetings will be held via Zoom, so you can log in and participate from anywhere.
Movie on the Wall
Grab a blanket and head outside this fall for the movie on the wall at MCC. We will set up a screen and show a movie just after dark. You can check out the movie under the stars with your roommates. Blankets will be spaced far enough apart to allow for social distancing.
Donut Day
What’s better than free donuts? Free donuts served by your housing team! While you are on your way to class, stop by Faust Student Union or the Gentle Student Center and grab a free donut for breakfast.
Grocery Bingo
Part Price-Is-Right, part Bingo, all laughs! Are you looking to win fun prizes? Grab your laptop and play Grocery Bingo. Usually held in Faust Student Union or the Gentle Student Center, this can be played virtually while social distancing.
Phi Theta Kappa
This honors society can be found on both Ellsworth and Marshalltown campuses. It provides a great outlet for community service, and joining makes you eligible to earn part of the $90 million in scholarships available. PTK is a recognized academic achievement that employers will look for after graduation.
Trivia Night
Are you the trivia master? Is your head full of seemingly useless knowledge and off-the-wall information? Put this knowledge to good use – attend the virtual trivia night. Sessions will be held via Zoom, and are open to all. Earn prizes or participation. You can join a team or take on the world by yourself!
Winter Carnival
Break up the winter doldrums by attending the Winter Carnival at ECC. Check out each booth for social distancing-friendly carnival games, win fun prizes, and enter to win a larger grand prize for attending. Adjustments are being made to the format to encourage social distancing – watch for details!
There are so many great activities happening on campus – get involved today! Are you looking for an activity to suit you that you don’t see listed here? Check out the MCC Activity Tracker app, FREE for any MCC student looking to get involved. At Ellsworth, contact your residence life team for up-to-date activities, happening now! Don’t see the club or organization that’s right for you? Consider starting your own group or launching your own club! No matter the campus, know that there are countless ways to get involved!