
Institutional Effectiveness and Performance Excellence

Iowa Valley Community College District has adopted an integrated institutional effectiveness process for measuring and documenting how well the District is achieving its mission and addressing its strategic agenda for the purpose of continuous improvement of student learning and student development. Grounded in the IVCCD Performance Excellence Model (see graphic below), assessment of student learning and systematic review is critical for institutional planning, resource allocation, and continuous quality improvement.

Iowa Valley’s Integrated Institutional Effectiveness (IIE) process is monitored by the IIE Steering Committee which includes faculty and staff from across the district. The purpose of the IIE Steering Committee is: 1) to create and sustain an environment that supports a culture of continuous quality improvement, 2) to facilitate a systematic and repeatable process of assessment to support IVCCD’s mission and strategic agenda, and 3) to support strategic planning and accreditation.

The IIE Academic Assessment Committee, led by the Associate Dean of Assessment & Distance Learning, consists of faculty, staff and administrators. The purposes of this subcommittee are to develop a framework to effectively assess academic programs/curricula and co-curricular areas to ensure alignment with IVCCD’s mission, vision and core values and systematic planning and reporting processes for student learning assessment.

Performance Excellence Model


Click here to download the graphic.