Can I Study Abroad at a Community College?

Some people look for the college with the best intramural activities. Some look for the best food or residence halls. But others have a sense of wanderlust early on and look for schools with the option to study abroad. We are here to let you in on a little secret about your study abroad options. Are you ready for your mind to be blown? Deep breath. Here goes.
You can study abroad at a community college.
Did you fall out of your chair? It is ok if you did; we won’t judge.
Not every community college offers study abroad opportunities, but Ellsworth students can take advantage of a unique partnership with Bachelor Academy Saxony in Saxony, Germany. This partnership allows students to complete their associate degree at Ellsworth and then transfer to BA Saxony to get their bachelor’s degree.
This German Partnership Program is open to students in all areas of study, but pairs especially well with ECC’s Agriculture programs. The German Partnership Program provides students the opportunity to spend their freshman and sophomore summers in Germany to improve their German language skills and participate in internships while they explore the beautiful German countryside and immerse themselves in German culture.
Studying abroad through the German Partnership Program is worth it.
Not only do you get on-the-job experience, but you will also learn a new language and a new culture, all while gaining important soft skills that employers look for. Self-reliance, eagerness to learn, problem-solving skills, and ambition as some of the top characteristics that employees need to impress potential employers. And those are all common characteristics of travelers.
Our German Partnership Program is a very cost-efficient way to get two degrees, your associate’s and your bachelor’s. You can find more details about Ellsworth’s Costs to Attend, but BA Saxony only costs about $100 per semester! How does getting your bachelor’s degree for around $400, because we think it sounds pretty great. Students will be responsible for their cost of living but will receive guidance through a sponsorship by a German business for which they will work part-time. Students may also be eligible for additional scholarships to help offset the cost of travel during their summer internships.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that you limit your options by going to a community college. If you’ve been bitten by the travel bug and are interested in studying abroad or in participating in the German Partnership Program, contact Ellsworth Social Sciences faculty, Joerg Rochlitzer, or ask for more information in the admissions office.