
IVCCD Board Report – December 14 Meeting

IVCCD Board Re-Elects Leadership

MARSHALLTOWN – The IVCCD Board of Directors elected Board Leadership during the final meeting of the 2022 calendar year. The Board unanimously re-elected Larry Johnson as President and Paul Poulsen as Vice President. Barb Jennings will remain Board Secretary and Gena Garber will remain Board Treasurer for the 2023 calendar year.

Board Approves Plan for MHS to Administer Jean Seberg Endowment Fund

The Board approved an action that would terminate the Jean Seberg Endowment, which has been administered by the college while operating the Orpheum Theater. When the District transfers ownership to Marshalltown Community Schools, they have transferred the remaining balance of the Jean Seberg fund to the school district so they are able to maintain Fund. The Jean Seberg Endowment Fund provides funds for a student looking to study drama at the post-secondary level and is named for the actress and Marshalltown native.

Board Approves Professional Agreement with Gallagher Benefit Services

The Board approved a professional agreement with Gallagher Benefit Services to administer a compensation study for non-faculty full-time benefit-eligible positions.

Additionally, the Board approved an early retirement package for one District employee, Barb Jennings, who serves as the Board Secretary and the Assistant to the President. The Board also approved the early contract termination of Justin McGill, Electro-Mechanical faculty.

The next board meeting is scheduled for January 11, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. and will be offered via Zoom.