Can you take Continuing Ed classes if you are a full-time student?

You are a full-time student, but there are so many areas you want to explore. You have perused the college catalog, but you have also seen courses offered as adult education… and they look kind of fun. (Hello, photography!) You wonder – is it OK to take these classes, even if you are already taking a full course load. ? Consider taking some non-credit classes for fun…it’s possible to make them both happen.
Try something fun
Taking a continuing education class can offer a variety of classes that can take your mind off of studying in your college credit classes. Get out on the dance floor, learn some new recipes, or explore some of the other fun classes that are available! Try something you never thought about or…something you have been dying to learn. This could be the stress reliever you are looking for.
Explore a Career Interest
Non-credit classes are also a great way to expand on the skills you are already learning in college. You can enhance your resume by picking up industry related classes such as electrical or welding, learning some computer skills or even taking CPR or First aid classes if you are a nursing student. The skills you can pick up in non-credit classes can help bolster your resume when you are ready to look for your first job.
Some classes can even help you find employment WHILE you are still taking college courses.
Where do you find all of these great non-credit classes?
You can find all of these classes and more on Iowa Valley Continuing Education’s website. Simply check the Calendar of Events.
Manage your time
Taking at least 12 credits as a full-time student is going to be time-consuming. Throw in work, family, studying and the other aspects of life and you are already busy. College is about learning and exploring your interests (while preparing you for your next steps.) Don’t let a course you are taking for fun derail your academic progress. They are designed to supplement your credit courses. Make sure you can manage your time effectively. You don’t want to fall behind on any of your credit classes so take time to plan out how you will handle all of these credit and non-credit courses.
Even ask when registering for a non-credit class, figure out what kind of time commitment you are making. Cooking classes may be one night for a couple of hours while other classes that you may consider taking are several days, weeks or months. Make sure you know what you are committing to.
Financial Assistance
Hopefully, when you decided to make the choice to attend college you researched and found all of the financial assistance available through scholarships and grants. When you take on a non-credit class you will have to pay for these classes as well. There is financial assistance for non-credit classes you can also look into.
One source of funding is GAP Tuition Assistance. GAP can be used for students enrolling in a certificate program in occupations including healthcare, advanced manufacturing, and transportation. This is not only for tuition but can be used for books, fees, and equipment for classes.
Pathways for Academic Career Employment or PACE, is another form of funding available for non-credit courses. This program is also a great way to have someone help guide you through your courses as well. PACE provides not only financial assistance but, educational, personal and career support.
Iowa Valley Continuing Education offers classes that can be for fun, learn something new or pick up a skill for employment. No matter why you want to take non-credit classes while you are attending college, just know that it is possible financially and if you know how to juggle your time.