Why it’s Smart to Start your Degree at a Community College

You’ve decided what you want to study and major in at college. Why not get a leg up on your classmates in your first two years of college by choosing a transfer major at a community college? Starting your education in a transfer major can give you a lot of advantages.
What is a Transfer Major?
Transfer majors are degree programs that you can take at a community college that will help get you experience from the beginning in the field you want to study. Why not get the classes that you need working towards your degree and help prepare you for the classes that you will take after you finish at a community college?
You will take your general education classes as well as getting a jump start on the classes that are geared towards your specific major. You already know what you are interested in, why not start your path early?
Ellsworth Community College and Marshalltown Community College offer a variety of Associate of Arts and Associate of Science transfer degrees.
Transfer Major Advantages
You have decided on your career path, why wait until your junior or even senior year of college to focus your attention on your chosen major? A transfer major will begin your education with the emphasis you are looking for from the beginning with the added benefits of a community college experience.
You will have more individual attention at a community college. Don’t be just a number in a 300-student lecture hall. Receiving one-on-one attention when the student-to-faculty ratio is 17:1. Create lasting relationships with fellow students and your instructors. This will increase your ease of asking questions as well as the ability to rely on others when you are struggling. You are learning solid study skills from the start.
Are you feeling unsure about going from high school to a university? Community College is a great way to take that “in-between” step. MCC and ECC offer a four-year experience at a two-year institution. Take advantage of on-campus housing, student activities, athletics and so much more. Make the most of your experience and still have the challenging quality education you want.
Along with the college experience and quality education you will receive, a community college also comes at a fraction of the price. Why not get experience in your field, and still have the same great education and activities in your first two years while you are saving money?
Partnerships for your success
Transfer majors are an opportunity to be on the right path to get your general education classes as well as courses in your required major. You will transfer easily to a university to continue your Bachelor’s Degree. Each state school and the majority of the private colleges will accept the credits that you earn at community college seamlessly. No wondering if you are on the right path or taking the right courses when it’s all laid out for you.
Start your four-year degree at a two-year school! Take advantage of the benefits of starting your program early and get experience in your major at a community college. Check out the ECC and MCC transfer majors today!