Iowa valley difference
Today's students have a lot of options after high school. Why should students spend their time and tuition dollars with us? Simple - we can offer individual attention, instructors with a vested interest in your success, unique programs, hands-on education, focused career training, and a four-year experience in two years.
The better question is: why not choose community college?

Your college major should be an extension of who you are. Don't settle - we'll help you find the field of study that aligns with your passion. Explore Fields of Study at Ellsworth Community College and Marshalltown Community College today!
Agriculture, Animals, Food, & Natural Resources
Arts & Communication
Business & Finance
Computer Science & Information Technologies
Criminal Justice, Education, Human Services, Law
Engineering, Math, & Science
Healthcare & Wellness
Manufacturing & Skilled Trades
Marketing & Sales

SINCE 1966
“We are committed to providing quality learning experiences, ensuring student success, and partnering to address diverse community needs in an inclusive and respectful environment.” IVCCD Mission Statement
More than a mission statement, this is part of the fabric of who we are as an institution. We work hard to put the "community" into community colleges.
Iowa Community College graduates are employed in their field within a year of graduation.0
Number of academic programs offered at IVCCD#0
Medical Assisting program ranked, statewide0%
Percentage of people that take a short-term training class and remain in Iowa after completing the program.0%
Average percentage of students that qualify for some sort of financial aid while studying at Iowa Valley.New Report Finds Taking College Credit Coursework is Linked to Postsecondary Outcomes
DES MOINES – Students who take college credit courses in high school are more likely to enroll in postsecondary education after graduation and earn a degree or credential, according to…
IVCCD Bestows Ambassador of the Year Award
During the Marshalltown Community College’s first week of class (dubbed the Week of Welcome), MCC recognized people and organizations that have made a notable contribution to the campus communities. Director…
IVCCD Honors Years of Service
During the Iowa Valley Community College District All Staff Day, held August 17 at Ellsworth Community College, the District recognized the years of service of faculty and staff members. Honorees…
IVCCD Bestows Ambassador of the Year Awards
During the Iowa Valley Community College District All Staff Day held on August 17 at Ellsworth Community College, the District recognized several individuals that have contributed to the success of…
IVCCD Bestows Outstanding Service Awards
During the Iowa Valley Community College District All Staff Day, held August 17 at Ellsworth Community College, the District recognized several campus leaders who have made a remarkable difference to…
IVCCD Board Report – August 11 Meeting
IVCCD Board Learns of Updated COVID Safety Protocols MARSHALLTOWN – The Iowa Valley Community College District Board of Directors learned about the District’s plans to address COVID-19 for the upcoming…
IVCCD Board Report – July 14 Meeting
The Iowa Valley Community College District Board of Directors learned the details of the Better Futures Program, which is a partnership agreement between JBS Swift and Company and the schools…
MCC/ECC Medical Assisting program ranked #2
Marshalltown Community College and Ellsworth Community College have been named the number two Medical Assisting program in Iowa for 2021 by www.findmedicalassistantprograms.org/. This distinction is awarded based on tuition…
IVCCD Seeks Candidates for Board of Directors Positions
Nomination papers for candidates for the Iowa Valley Community College District Merged Area VI Board of Directors are now available and may be filed with Barbara Jennings, Secretary of the…
IVCCD Board Report – June 9 Meeting
IVCCD Board Approves Training Agreement MARSHALLTOWN – The Iowa Valley Community College District Board of Directors approved a new subcontract between Iowa Valley Community College District and Kirkwood Community College…